Landscape Ideas –Bronx Botanical gardens
You would think that visiting a Botanical Garden in NY would be useless if your are looking for inspiration for Landscape Ideas in Dallas. I visited this beautiful 120 acre garden recently and was astounding first by the sheer size of it–unfortunately I had a plane to catch and couldn’t see as much as I liked–and second by plants I saw and where I saw them. Formal gardens with happy Tulips planted throughout gives this structured garden a soft and fanciful feel.
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Succulents are perfect for containers in our hot dry Texas weather. Some types will even cascade along the sides of your pots producing that much desired spill over effect so commonly used in containers. Although these Hostas are in a sunny spot we can easily use the same plants in a shady spot in our Dallas gardens. Don’t be afraid to try to duplicate gardens you come across in your travels. It is true that some plants and trees just will not grow here, there’s almost always an alternative that will offer the same color, feel, texture or shape.