Variegated Flax Lilly

Variegated Flax Lilly

I just love this plant. It’s a great plant for Dallas being able to withstand part sun/ shade and in some cases evergreen. The shape, texture and color of this plant makes it a fantastic addition to any garden. Similar in shape to an Iris. For more on this plant form Aggi -Hort click here.


How to divide Flax Lilly
Excerpt from Aggie-Hort link above.
Dianella ensifolia (L.) A.P. de Candolle New Zealand Flax Lily
(Dianella nemorosa, Dracaena ensifolia)
• This Asian species is also called New Zealand Lily or Umbrella Dracaena and is a noteworthy weed
in some countries, but ornamental selections exist, for example ‘Border Silver’ (white margins) and
‘Border Gold’ (yellow-green margins and vertical variegation); generally speaking plants are a bit
coarser and larger, potentially to 6N tall, than D. tasmanica or D. caerulea with less showy 5/16O diameter
white to pale blue flowers and bluish to blue-black fruit.
• While cultural requirements are similar to D. tasmanica or D. caerulea, D. ensifolia might be useful
in slightly colder areas than the other two species with proper provenance selection, given its wider
distribution in Asia; the specific epithet translates as sword-shaped leaves.

Dianella ensifolia (L.) A.P. de Candolle New Zealand Flax Lily(Dianella nemorosa, Dracaena ensifolia)• This Asian species is also called New Zealand Lily or Umbrella Dracaena and is a noteworthy weedin some countries, but ornamental selections exist, for example ‘Border Silver’ (white margins) and’Border Gold’ (yellow-green margins and vertical variegation); generally speaking plants are a bitcoarser and larger, potentially to 6N tall, than D. tasmanica or D. caerulea with less showy 5/16O diameterwhite to pale blue flowers and bluish to blue-black fruit.• While cultural requirements are similar to D. tasmanica or D. caerulea, D. ensifolia might be usefulin slightly colder areas than the other two species with proper provenance selection, given its widerdistribution in Asia; the specific epithet translates as sword-shaped leaves.

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